No, Islam Doesn’t Get Better Than This

Afghanistan’s Taliban leader Mullah Nooruddin Turabi. ‘No one will tell us what our laws should be. We will follow Islam.’ Photograph: Felipe Dana/AP

Many Muslims around the world will say that Islamic countries are not Islamic, but are Muslim majority countries. So the Taliban takeover Afghanistan with the help of a majority of the followers. These followers are worldwide. In fact, the people who disgreed with the Taliban were looking to leave during the US pullout.


This article mentions political themes within and outside of the American education system.

Parents often wonder whether their kids should be homeschooled or attend a private or public school. Individuals looking to attend college consider between private and public colleges. Some consider self-taught or some college without the degree behind it. Education, no matter how it happens, is important.

However, are all colleges the same? No. Is all education good? Probably not. Why, not even all public schools are the same, which are federally funded.